This quote makes me smile every time I see it! I try to think of the reason why. Well, the last couple of days made me realize why? Everyone who knows me personally considers me as a work-a-holic and kid-a-holic. I think that as well. I am always at home studying and just spending time with the little one. The more and more I stayed home, I have forgotten about myself and my self worth. Doubting my self all time has caused a strained on me as a person. It started to take a toll on my self esteem and confidence. During this time, you realize who are your friends and who are going to stand by you to the end especially when are at your low point.
"I am beautiful and I am worth it!"
Really comes to mind and what a good feeling it is. Spending the weekend with friends and associates has helped me with my mode of thinking today. I can actually say yesterday it exciting as well. I put my makeup skills to use on ME! Hey, I do have to make my almond eyes pop, don't I? Being out laughing and enjoying life was really fun. Maybe, things will turn around maybe I can change again, but I do know one thing..
"It is sad not to love, but it much sadder not to be to love."
Please comment if you like. I would love to hear from you..
Until next time,
Tosha XOXO