Thursday, August 18, 2011

●● Big and Lil' Man ●●

My morning started around 7:30 on a Saturday... going to Pepper Place for my weekly fruits and veggies.. off to  Brookwood Mall to hang out with my lil' group at the store Journey's and Earthbound.... Cell phones rings.... Lord, it is my brother, Will... wondering to myself what does he want.... 

Will: "I am in Leeds and do you have your camera?" 
Me: Yes, why?
Will: "Me and Caidon are dressed alike and I wanted to see if you wanted to take pictures since you have a new location here. Where are you?"
Me: "Brookwood Mall, will be there in 30 minutes.. 
I need to finish up with Trey and Terrence"

How can I turn down a photograph opportunity. This impromptu session was hilarious. I had to chase a very energetic 3 year old in a small gated area. I just decided to forget it. I will caught him in the moment.  The funniest part of the story is.....

Me: Caidon can you sit down here, please. Auntie want to take a picture of you here!!
Caidon: NO!! It is too high and I will fall
Me: You will not fall
Caidon: You will fall too, no picture!!

I love that boy.. But check out the end result of our impromptu session. The elements of the environments.

Until next time, Tosha XOXOXO

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Effectiveness of Using Social Media for Business

I am sitting in the office at my daughter's appointment. Just browsing the net, I found this cool article that shows the effective of using social media.

Credit goes to

Whether you are a full-time photographer, or doing photography on the side, your mind is constantly trying to come up with ways to increase your business. Next to word-of-mouth, the internet can be one of your most powerful resources for marketing. With so many social-networking sites available to you, creating an internet presence for your business can be a lot easier than you might think.
Here are a few websites that will help you get your name out there. Whether you utilize them all, or just one or two, is completely up to you, so consider each of them based on your brand, and the clientele you would like to attract. Also, keep in mind that not everyone is on each social media site, so while it may be good to start out with just one of these sites to test the waters, the more of them you are on, the more people you will reach.
1. Facebook
One of the great features of Facebook is that you can create a page that is strictly for your business, while keeping your personal Facebook page separate. Your business page on Facebook lets you give a brief description of your services, upload photos, and post status updates to let people know about upcoming specials or new work. Another great feature is that people have the ability to comment on and “Like” the things that you post. The reason that this works in your best interest is that when people interact on your business page, it will most likely show up in their Recent Activity, so that all of their friends will see the activity occurring on your business page, regardless of whether or not they are following you. That way, people who may not have otherwise seen your page will be introduced to your work.
2. Flickr
Flickr gives you a place to meet other photographers, and networking with photographers can be vital to your business. There are many local Flickr groups that meet once or twice a year and showcase their work in galleries. If you sell fine art prints, this is a great way of showcasing your work. If you are more into portrait photography, getting to know other portrait photographers can be extremely beneficial because not only will you learn from them, but if, for example, they live in another state, they may have a friend who lives in your state and wants a photo shoot, so they can recommend you to their friend! Also, Flickr has SEO (Search Engine Optimization) that feeds into search engines like Google and Yahoo. If you post a photo to Flickr and tag it with keywords that are relevant to the photo and your business, those photos will show in the image results on search engines. For me, tagging my photos appropriately has lead to everything from client shoots, to book covers, simply because someone was doing an image search and came across my photo. SEO is definitely a highlight of Flickr!
3. Personal Blogs
A blog focusing on all of the different aspects of your photography is a wonderful way of posting information that is relevant to your business. Whether your blog is part of your website, or a completely separate page, it will give you the chance to have a voice, talk about your process, and showcase what is unique about your services. Just like Flickr, blogs tend to be powered by SEO, so discussing the appropriate topics and using relevant keywords will help boost you to the first page of Google! And, we all know that being on the first page of search results tremendously boosts your chances of increasing your business.
4. Twitter
 Much like Flickr, Twitter gives you the opportunity to follow people who share your interest in photography. Since there is a character limit for each of your Tweets, you have the opportunity to keep your updates to-the-point. Whether you are advertising photo specials, or discounted prints, Twitter is a great way to get your message out to people who are in a hurry and not inclined to read a blog post.
5. Google +
There is a new social-networking site, powered by Google, that is still in its development stages. For now, Google has set a limited number of users, but it is a perfect social-networking site for photographers because of their invention of “Circles” – an application that allows you to create circles of certain people, and select what information you share with them. This helps prevent a lot of the clutter that is sometimes prevalent on Facebook or Flickr, and you can share information with specific groups of people. Images look wonderful on Google+, thanks to the black lightbox.
As you delve into the realm of utilizing social media to increase your business, keep in mind that, for it to work in your favor, you have to be diligent, and you also need to interact with people. If you only post every two months, chances are that you will not get a lot of attention through these sites. People have a short attention span, and if you do not engage them regularly, there is a chance they will lose interest. You may want to take note of photographers who use social media – examine how they word their posts, what sort of content they are displaying, and how they interact with people who comment on their posts. You can learn a lot just by observing, and then find a way to put your own unique spin on how you utilize social media.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The True Meaning of Stress

Found this in the Barnes & Noble in Hoover, Ala
This always brings a smile on my face!

Oh wow, I have not written on this blog for two days. I am sorry about that. It just been a hectic time especially since Kay is going back to school at the end of the month. So please excuse my absent mind and I really hope that this is a phase. Today, I totally had to hit the point  that I needed to cry. It is so hard to be a mom who works in pediatrics when you feel unsure about my own  parenting skills. I have not announced just yet what we are dealing with, but it will be soon. I will be launching a new marketing special regarding our situation and I hope you all are able to participate in this endeavor. 

On the positive note, it is good to be appreciated especially as being an occupational therapist. I receive so much praise how good I am as a clinician but why do I feel like I am not a good one especially when my little one is going through alot. I guess it is hard to accept the positive when things keep going in a spiral. Believe me, I love being a therapist and I love doing photography.I believe these activities are keep me sane.. Is there any wrong with I think to myself. Pondering .. wondering.. and hopeful for all opportunities that are there for me. I remember standing in a conference one day listening to this story.. I wanted to share it with you all especially when I feel like this is a very appropriate time to do so... 

Until next time, 
Tosha xoxoxox

A young lady confidently walked around the room while leading and explaining stress management to an audience; with a raised glass of water, and everyone knew she was going to ask the ultimate question, 'half empty or half full?'..... She fooled them all... "How heavy is this glass of water?", she inquired with a smile.

Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. To 20 oz.

She replied, "The absolute weight doesn't matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, that's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you'll have to call an ambulance. In each case it's the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes." She continued, "and that's the way it is with stress. If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, as the burden becomes increasing ly heavy, we won't be able to carry on."

"As with the glass of water, you have to put it down for a while and rest before holding it again. When we're refreshed, we can carry on with the burden - holding stress longer and better each time practiced. So, as early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down. Don't carry them through the evening and into the night... Pick them up tomorrow.

Whatever burdens you're carrying now, let them down for a moment. Relax, pick them up later after you've rested. Life is short. Enjoy it and the now 'supposed' stress that you've conquered!"


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

There is always.....

 A special place in my heart for VSA Alabama. I received a message from Patti, the executive director, of this wonderful organization which had me almost in tears. In the past, I used to attend the Art Partners program each Saturday to photograph the magic of a the collaboration of individual with special needs paired with a community artist. Might I add, I was amazed to see a child's creativity at work. 

One of my favorite images from these sessions has always has been this:

This image is powerful within it itself. On a side note, I am a pediatric occupational therapist  and I had the  opportunity to see this child grow for 2 years when I was working in early intervention. Back to my phone call (Sorry!!), I was asked to take part in The 9th Annual ArtPartners Live Auction and Showcase on August 21th @ B&A Warehouse starting at 5:30pm . What am I doing.. Taking pictures, of course!!  This is kinda interesting because my daughter, Kay (if you do not know her, I guarantee you will very soon) kept asking me when we are going back because she missed the employees and wanted to paint again. In my mind, I was thinking I miss them too, but been trying to deal with my rocky roads of life especially with her. I thought taking the things away I like would make life better, but it didn't. Taking away the things that I enjoyed left me with a hole in my heart and I felt so incomplete especially when I was sacrificing the things I love to do. Patti provided great comfort knowing what I am going through at the moment and being the kind-hearted person that she is.. I had to close my door at work and teared up.  It is so good to know that people really appreciate you and provides you the powerful words that helps you see life in a positive manner.I will end this entry with a quote I posted on my Facebook personal and Fan page :

‎"Life is short. Break the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly.Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably And never regret anything that made you smile, Enjoy Life! 
Until Next Time, Tosha {Love, Peace, & *Art*}

   VSA Alabama - Check them out! Good to see my pictures being used for a great organization.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Easie Peasie: Single Mamma Book Club♥

Easie Peasie: Single Mamma Book Club♥

I thought this was a very interesting find, especially for single mothers.

Until next time,

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hot, Humid, a Chic, and a Dog..... :)

I always thought shooting later in the day would be better since it is so freaking hot here in Alabama. Well guess what! It isn't!!! I had an opportunity to shoot a sassy chic, Michelle. Let me give you some history about us. She was one of the kindergarten teachers at Kay's former school. She helped me during the years with her and we remained good friends even when we lost touch with each other. We would always pick up where we left off like nothing had happened. This curly chic here and me had a blast at Ross Bridge. Believe me, I really did not know what I am doing, but I totally winged it. Shh.. Do not tell her. Obviously, Supe (Kay's Peek-a-Poo) decided to mark his territory on her leg. I guess, Supe smelled the scent of her two pretty dogs, so he wanted to his scent as well. For my laughing, I had a nice little mud stain on my yoga pants. ( Karma is a .....) Did I mention that we lost about 15lbs of water as well. Michelle will be venturing out  the arts and crafts world with her cool vintage headbands and clips. Let me know tell ya, she is someone you need to watch for soon. Stay tuned for information about her blog and what .. when.. where .. Sassy Chic will be featured.  BTW. the logo.. MY IDEA!!! LOL !!!
Until Next time, Tosha xoxo

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The photograph itself doesn't interest me. I want only to capture a minute part of reality.

Well, everyone please welcome me to the world of blogging. This is my first post, Geez. I do not know why it  has taken me so long to start blogging. As they say, "better late than never." I wanted to start this blog a long time ago, but I was very nervous about it and did not know what to write or what to say. I do know I wanted   to link my photography work with my personal life. So you can get to know the person behind the camera as a mom, pediatric occupational therapist, advocate, and as a friend. Most of you know that I am a pediatric occupational therapist by education. For the last three months, I had my first occupational therapist intern name Erin from the University of Alabama @ Birmingham, the school where I received my degree. With sad regrets, yesterday was her last day and she wanted to have Mexican. She did not know what she had coming to her during lunch, she received alot of goodies such as cards, a nice chocolate cake (that I could not eat, really), and her favorite thing in the whole wide world, BUBBLES!! She also received a nice little slide show from what she learned from her fieldwork with pictures of the kids and the staff.  I love bringing my camera with me everywhere I go, because I do not want to miss a moment especially on this day.  To Erin, you were a great student. You came here not knowing what to expect and you left here with a family and long life friends. I am going to miss you and you truly do not how much someone touch your life until they are gone. Kay is going to miss you as well (she written a letter and wanted to mail it to you.) I cannot wait to see you walk across the stage in December. 

Until next time,
Tosha xoxoxo